Child Protection

We are committed to protecting all students.

Child protection is extremely important and we are committed to ensuring the protection of all of our students. In August 2017, the school adopted a Child Protection Policy which sets definitions for child abuse as well as outlines preventative measures and guidelines for the school’s response in case of suspected abuse. 

By enrolling your child at ICSA, you agree to work in partnership with the school and abide by our policies. All of us at ICSA want you to know that we genuinely value our partnership with you in providing for the safety and care of your children. Following this policy, ICSA is committed to setting up procedures to verify the previous employment for any new job applicants as well as to ensure all members of the ICSA community are informed and educated regarding symptoms of child abuse. 

We hope you share our commitment and will work with us to ensure our children are safe as well as knowledgeable about their rights and responsibilities. Your support of our efforts is important. If you have any specific questions, please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead, school Counselors or Principals. Thank you in advance for working with us on this important initiative.

Child Protection Policy

Here, we've attached ICSA's Child Protection Policy. In it you will find definitions of neglect and abuse, procedures for reporting abuse, and ways to prevent abuse.

La Protection de L'enfant

Ici, nous avons joint la politique de protection de l'enfance de l'ICSA. Vous y trouverez des définitions de la négligence et de la maltraitance, des procédures pour signaler la maltraitance et des moyens de prévenir la maltraitance.